In 2018, our civil engineering team at CFB embarked on an international endeavor that not only showcased our technical prowess but also underscored our commitment to global welfare. Partnering with Emmett Sapp Builders, Inc and one of our esteemed founders, Bob Farner, we embarked on a project based in Montazo, Dominican Republic, with a singular mission: to provide potable water to a small village grappling with the dire absence of clean water access.
The picturesque, yet underserved, village of Montazo faced a staggering reality – its residents lacked access to clean water. For many in this area, securing water meant embarking on arduous journeys, trekking over one and a half miles to fetch water from distant sources. This daily struggle underscored the urgent need for intervention, propelling our team into action.
Our project centered on comprehensive potable water analysis and system design. With meticulous attention to detail, we conceptualized a robust infrastructure aimed at serving not just the present community but also accommodating future growth. Key to our plans was the installation of a 4,500-gallon reservoir, promising sustained water access for over 120 existing homes and an additional 80 homes slated for the future.
To ensure efficiency and effectiveness, we devised two distinct models – the transmission and distribution systems. The transmission model meticulously mapped the journey of water from its source, traversing the riverbed, culminating at the pivotal juncture where the reservoir would stand. Meanwhile, the distribution model intricately charted the path from the reservoir, branching out along four roads, ultimately reaching the doorsteps of households.
Our endeavor wasn’t just about meeting immediate needs but also about future-proofing our solution. While our systems initially operated at minimalist levels of service and flow, our analysis revealed significant potential for expansion. With a sufficient discharge pressure in the transmission system, there is ample room to augment the flow into the reservoir, ensuring scalability and adaptability to evolving demands.
Our efforts for Montazo exemplify the power of collaboration and compassion transcending borders. Through unwavering dedication and technical acumen, we helped transform a community’s struggle into a story of resilience and hope. As clean water flowed into Montazo, so too did the promise of a brighter, healthier future for its inhabitants.
Photos and details provided by Emmit Sapp, Jr
We're excited to announce that our Wildwood Headquarters has moved to its new location in Middleton!